FEATURED GUEST for 4th WEBINAR, Recorded May 20, 2021: Bill Harvey, Founder, The Human Effectiveness Institute


A Trip into the Right Hemisphere of the Human Brain

Join award-winning radio talk show host, philosopher, and humorist Doug Grunther on a fascinating, insightful trip into the most creative,
intuitive and expansive part of our brain: The Right Hemisphere.

FEATURED GUEST for 4th WEBINAR, Recorded May 20, 2021:


Bill Harvey is the author of Mind Magic:  Doorways into Higher Consciousness which science journalist Daniel Goleman called”Highly recommended… will loosen your moorings and open you to creative vistas.”  Bill is known world-wide as an influential media analyst and continues his work into higher states of consciousness, particularly “The Flow State”  through his Human Effectiveness Institute.

FEATURED GUEST for 3rd WEBINAR, April 21, 2021: Susan Rosen, Dream Work Facilitator


A Trip into the Right Hemisphere of the Human Brain

Join award-winning radio talk show host, philosopher, and humorist Doug Grunther on a fascinating, insightful trip into the most creative,
intuitive and expansive part of our brain: The Right Hemisphere.

FEATURED GUEST for 3rd WEBINAR, April 21, 2021:


Susan Rosen is an experienced dream work facilitator who has produced and led masterful dream group retreats for almost 20 years.  She received her certification as a dream work facilitator from Dr. Jeremy Taylor, co-founder of the International Association of Dreams and, during his lifetime, one of the most renowned dream experts in the world.

Susan was the founder of Miriam’s Well, a spiritual retreat in Saugerties, NY which hosted weekend seminars with some of the leading spiritual teachers in the country including groundbreaking poet and storyteller Robert Bly, psychiatrist and Jungian Analyst Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen and Dr. Brugh Joy, medical doctor and teacher of dreams and the healing capacities of the human unconscious.

 About Carol and Susan - In the Voice of Our Mothers


What Are We Thinking? explores how the dominance of the left hemisphere perception in western culture has created a self-centered, materialist reality which can no longer be sustained and what can be done to counteract this trend. Grunther reveals how explorers of the human mind, including select artists, scientists, depth psychologists, philosophers, business leaders and global visionaries, are providing mind-expanding insights to meet the challenges going forward.

And we will see how optimistic visionary insights into creative potential are available when we are willing to access the depths of right-hemisphere awareness.  


Let’s help bring about the Next Renaissance and have a spirited good time along the way.

Are you ready to make the leap?

FEATURED GUEST for 2nd WEBINAR, March 24, 2021: Iain McGilchrist


 A Trip into the Right Hemisphere of the Human Brain

Join award-winning radio talk show host, philosopher, and humorist Doug Grunther on a fascinating,                insightful trip into the most creative,
intuitive and expansive part of our brain: The Right Hemisphere.


FEATURED GUEST for 2nd WEBINAR, March 24, 2021:

Iain McGilchrist:  Psychiatrist, Fellow in Neuroimaging at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, former literature scholar at Oxford and author of the acclaimed book The Master and his Emissary:  The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World.

Iain is committed to the idea that mind and brain can be understood only by considering them within the whole of our physical and spiritual existence.




WHAT ARE WE THINKING? explores how the dominance of the left hemisphere perception in western culture has created a self-centered, materialist reality which can no longer be sustained and what can be done to counteract this trend. Grunther reveals how explorers of the human mind, including select artists, scientists, depth psychologists, philosophers, business leaders and global visionaries, are providing mind-expanding insights to meet the challenges going forward.

And we will see how optimistic visionary insights into creative potential are available when we are willing to access the depths of right-hemisphere awareness.  


Let’s help bring about the Next Renaissance and have a spirited good time along the way.

Are you ready to make the leap?